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Tell me what floor you have and I'll tell you who you are.

Our experience, if it had the word, would speak like this.
Our greatest specialization has led us over the years to be leaders in recognizing the right treatment to give to each type of floor.

To each floor its own: wood, which by definition is the most delicate, needs not only to be washed, but peeled and painted in cases where the wood is not in 100% of its condition.
Marble seems the most convenient to clean, but due to incorrect operations and tools it can lose its brilliance and colour, in addition to its its particular shining layer.
Terracotta is really easy to clean, but without us realizing it it has absorbed everything that has passed on it over time. Its porosity leads this material to often be underestimated.

We could go on for a long time, but in the end we will all agree that no one cleaning treatment is the same as another.

Come azienda leader nel settore delle pulizie, possiamo con fermezza assicurarvi il successo in ogni nostra singola operazione.

Professionals of the industry will come for a inspection to provide you with a completely free quote. Fill out the form below for a quick request or click here for a more accurate request.