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La sanificazione contro il Covid-19 ma anche tutti i virus e batteri.

We are aCompany specialized in sanitisation and disinfection services for over 15 years, which in this moment of global emergency is more active in guaranteeing all Customers maximum safety in their workplaces by containing the spread of Covid-19.

To fight and contain Covid- 19 it is necessary to respect various protocols which involve the use of masks, gloves and the sanitisation of environments which according to the Ministry of Health must be carried out periodically with shock methods, as well as with a daily cleaning maintenance using medical-surgical disinfectants based on chlorine and 70% alcohol. in turn they are divided based on the functional type of the structure. The main ones are electric nebulization and ozone generators.
Sono previste diverse metodiche che saranno scelte per ambienti esterni ed ambienti interni, che a loro volta si suddividono in base alla tipologia funzionale della struttura. Le principali sono la nebulizzazione elettrica e generatori di ozono.


The electric ULV nebulizer is suitable for various types of activities and indoor environments up to a surface area of ​​approximately 4,500 m3 such as bars, pastry shops, offices, shops, hotels, and involves the use of a cold fog generator, so fine and widespread that reach every place even where it has not been blown directly, without dripping walls and/or papers and fabrics, which after liquid microparticles of chlorine-based disinfectant released into the air are deposited and disinfected all surfaces, contact points ect, making the environment healthy;
For external environments, such as car parks, garages, or indoor environments such as large depots/warehouses exceeding 4500 m3, the pneumatic compressed air nebuliser is used which has the same functionality as the ulv nebulizer;


Ozone is one of the most powerful oxidants and is therefore suitable for sanitisation. Its action does not stop at just the elimination of the virus, but acts on a very large scale of other contaminating microorganisms present in the environment, furthermore it is not dangerous, does not damage and is natural.
The generator takes oxygen composed of two O2 atoms and joins it to a third atom forming ozone which thanks to its oxidizing properties eliminates bacteria, viruses, spores, fungi and molds. At the end it is therefore necessary to wait for the useful time in which the O3 transforms into oxygen.

Why choose us?

Thanks to the acquisition of a vast range of cutting-edge machinery and the use of Surgical Medical Device products we are able to manage every type of environment and square footage.
We issue a certificate once sanitization has been carried out, specifying machinery and products used, place and day of the service.

We propose a || |162unico pacchetto con intervento shock e pulizie ordinarie since it is essential to continue the protocol even after mechanical sanitisation. In fact, our staff is highly trained even in the daily manual sanitization service. After the first intervention the cleaning operator must continue to respect the procedures established by the Ministry of Health.

What differentiates us from other companies is the registration in the environmental suppliers register with the disposal code of infectious material CER18.01.03, since at the end of the service, the overalls, masks and disposable gloves, which are highly infectious material, must be disposed of as such.
We are also able to disinfect car interiors and air conditioning systems.