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Un contaminated environment is a serious problem. The removal of crawling and flying insects, arthropods and rats is not easy to carry out, you have to target the cause.

To get the best from a disinfestationil meglio da una disinfestazione we need to study the problem and the events that led the infestation to appear. 

Disinfestation is based on 4 phases:

  1. Monitoring
  2. Project
  3. Positioning
  4. Control

The Monitoring is the study of all the factors that contributed to the manifestation of the problem: it is necessary to control il luogo, la vicinanza dal verde, l’umidità, l’igiene ecc…

Once we have examined the situation we proceed with the Project of disinfestation. Each case is particular, which is why there is no standard for eradicating a problem. Bed bugs attack mattresses, pillows, sofas, linens and similar fabrics, so the actions to be taken are numerous and targeted, using precise chemical compounds and manual operations. However, for insects such as cockroaches, it is necessary to use traps and products (registered and approved by the Ministry of Health) placed in the right places, paying attention to people and pets.

Once the right project has been ascertained and approved, the next step is action, or in other cases the Positioning: by knowing the right products we are able to take action and disinfest the designated area in the shortest time possible. No person or animal will have the slightest problem during the process, our knowledge and our technical means are attentive to the smallest details.

Once the problem has been eliminated, we recommend carrying out  periodic checks: in the case of rodent control, the monthly check allows you to examine the state of the traps to prevent the rodent problem from reappearing.

Our staff of trust and the use of technical means are in compliance with workplace safety regulations (Legislative Decree 81/2008 ex 626/94). The work is carried out by competent and trained people on theknowledge of the biological and behavioral characteristics of the pests to be fought.

Every pest can be a vehicle of infections, viruses and bacteria and can cause serious damage to the health of humans and their pets, it is therefore advisable to intervene from the first signs of presence, above all it is necessary to intervene with only professional methods to guarantee the decimation of the species from the first intervention by implementing a time-scheduled action plan.

Bed bug disinfestations:

They are small blood-sucking insects, and their habitat is mattresses and/or pet beds, they hide in the folds and in the seams of mattresses, but also in the cracks of skirting boards, electrical sockets, including curtains and their life cycle is nocturnal. For this reason it is very difficult to realize their presence except for annoying bites that alter our sleep. Their reproduction occurs in just two weeks (egg deposit time - hatching) and they have a flat, red-brown oval shape as large as a lentil. The females are capable of laying 500 eggs and once they hatch the insect becomes an adult in 6/8 weeks. To reach the next stages they must feed themselves and their food is human and/or animal blood. This species is resistant, it can last even 100 days without feeding.

From cockroaches:

there are various types of these cockroaches and for this reason it is important to distinguish the cockroaches in order to be able to implement an effective fight plan to eradicate them. They are widespread in Italy and can be very dangerous for both human and animal health as they are a vehicle for viruses and bacteria that generate serious infections. They are nocturnal animals and their ideal environments are warm-humid areas and can easily be found behind refrigerators, washing machines, in kitchen sinks and bathroom drains. In Italy the most common types of cockroaches are:

-Blatta germanica or stoker about 12-15mm long

-Blatta orientalis or black cockroach about 25mm long with very long antennae and nests especially in sewers

-Periplaneta Americana or red, between 40-45mm long and equipped with wings.

-Supella Longipalpa or brown, approximately 10mm long and can fly.


They are highly adaptable and their presence in the home represents a serious health problem since through the excrements left behind they can transmit dangerous infectious diseases (hepatitis, plague, tuberculosis, cholera) and cause people to come into contact with fleas and ticks spread by them. . There are different breeds:

-DOMESTIC MUS or house mouse:

The house mouse has an appearance characterized by short and shiny fur that varies from light brown to black-grey. The fur covers the entire body except the legs, ears, tail and tip of the snout which have a pinkish gray color. The body of the typical house mouse is about 7-10 centimeters long, the tail is clearly visible, slightly longer than the body and is slightly hairy. The weight of the house mouse is approximately 20-25 grams.


it is approximately 9 cm long and has brown fur with white legs, the ears are large and rounded and eyes are black. It lives mainly in hedges and it is possible to find its presence even near the sea, it is also a great digger and feeds on fruit, nuts, mushrooms and seeds.

-SORICIDAE O toporagno:

it is related to moles and the snout has a long and pointed appearance of brown-grey colour. Its paws are equipped with five claws instead of four like all rodents and it has a length of approximately 16 cm and has an excellent sense of smell and hearing.

– Rattus Rattus or black rat:

A typical adult rattus rattus measures from 12 to 18 cm, at between 15 and 22 cm of tail must be added. The weight is around 200 g, however specimens weighing 300 g are not rare. Males are generally larger and more robust than females.

The fur is black with black eyes and generally has a slender build and is an expert climber and for this reason also called roof rat. the black rat feeds oninsects or other invertebrates, eating if necessary anything it can digest .

– Rattus Norvegicus or brown rat:

It can measure up to 40 cm, of which just under half belongs to the tail, for an average weight of 350 g and the fur is short and bristly and has a color ranging from greyish to brown, with black or white grizzles on the back: towards the belly, the color tends to gradually become lighter, until it even fades into white on the lower belly. These are animals that are mainly active during the night, while during the day they sleep in nests placed in a ravine that has been widened by digging with their front legs and teeth and made more comfortable with padding of herbs, paper, plastic and other materials. These are basically omnivorous animals, which however prefer to feed on meat when the opportunity arises: specimens that live in urban areas feed mainly on waste, eating practically everything edible they can find

– Zanzare:

In Italy there are around 60 species which are represented by 3 large families: the Culex, the Anopheles and the Aedes. All mosquito species need water to reproduce, so their ideal habitat is represented by small pools of stagnant water, canals, swamps, ponds but also simple saucers or bins full of water. Even city rainwater drainage wells represent a suitable environment for egg laying. A few millimeters of stagnant water are sufficient to create an environment suitable for the reproduction of mosquitoes.

– Culex:

they are sedentary mosquitoes, they do not move far from the place where they live and they lay eggs. It is our common mosquito. Their bite is painful and they are most active at dawn and during dusk.

– Anopheles:

known for their ability to spread malaria, they are also rather sedentary. They are mainly active at night from dusk to dawn.

– Aedes:

are the most fearsome. The infamous tiger mosquito and the latest arrival the "Korean mosquito" are part of this species. They are particularly aggressive, can travel long distances and are active throughout the day with a greater intensification of activity at dawn and dusk. The bite of the Aedes is also very painful.

– Fleas:

Fleas are insects belonging to the Siphonactera family and are distinguished by their characteristic mouth appearance capable of biting and sucking and they need to feed on the host's blood to reproduce, in fact the victims of these insects are warm-blooded animals while humans come into contact with them due to the presence of Ctenocephalides felis cats and Ctenocephalides canis dogs. For humans they can cause many problems such as skin rashes and allergic reactions.

– Ticks:

The ticks (arthropods belonging to the class of arachnids, order of mites) are blood-sucking parasites that can be dangerous agents of transmission of infectious diseases, for animals but also for humans. There are different types of ticks (about 900 species are known) and they are widespread throughout the world. Although they generally live outside (typically in the countryside), they can also reach our homes, especially if you live in the company of a four-legged friend. Ticks are more or less 1-2 millimeters long in the juvenile stages and up to more one centimeter in the adult stage. They are greyish-brown in color and their shape is rounded. The head, indistinguishable from the rest of the body, is equipped with a buccal apparatus (called rostrum) which allows it to penetrate the host's skin and suck its blood. The 900 known species of ticks are grouped into three families, of which the the main ones are the Ixodidae (hard ticks, with a chitinous dorsal shield) and the Argasidae (soft ticks, without of the dorsal shield). The most widespread and relevant types of ticks from a health point of view are Ixodes ricinus (also known as woodland tick), Rhipicephalus sanguineus (dog tick), Hyalomma marginatum| ||264 e Dermacentor reticulatus.The biological cycle of a tick has 4 distinct stages: egg, larva, nymph and adult. After the eggs hatch, each stage step requires a blood meal. Therefore, tick larvae are also dangerous and, therefore, if you find even a single tick larvae in your home, you would do well to start becoming alarmed. The meal, during which the tick always remains attached to its host, takes place over several hours for soft ticks, but can even last a few weeks for hard ones. With the start of the summer, these little animals come out of hibernation winter and abandon the plants (although not jumping or flying) once they have identified their "prey". Afterwards, they settle into the host's body by sticking their beak into it, thus starting to suck his blood. The parasites then drop spontaneously after a period that generally varies between 2 and 7 days. The bite of a tick is dangerous for humans due to the possibility of contracting the diseases transmitted by these parasites.

Le principali patologie infettive veicolate dalle zecche che presentano rilevanza epidemiologica in Italia sono:

  • the Lyme disease or borrielosis;
  • l’tick-borne encephalitis o Tbe;
  • la rickettsiosis;|| |283
  • la relapsing tick-borne fever;
  • la tularemia;| ||291
  • la tick-borne meningoencephalitis;
  • l'ehrlichios

Wasps and Hornets:

The term wasp indicates a group of insects that belong to the order of the Hymenoptera aculeata to which the Vespidae family belongs and the most widespread in Italy are:

– Vespula vulgaris or common:

lives in colonies of 1000 -2000 individuals and builds its nest in hidden cavities.

– Polistes gallicus:

is slightly smaller than the common wasp and its nest consists of a single honeycomb facing downwards.

– Vespa crabro or hornet:

its nest is found mainly in tree cavities and is made up of several honeycombs and measures approximately 30-40cm.

Wasps do not have a hooked stinger and therefore can sting several times without dying and is dangerous only for those people sensitive to the poison to whom it can cause anaphylactic shock.


Ants are insects present throughout Italy, they love mild climates this is why infestations occur in the spring and summer periods as the insect comes out to stock up on food for the winter which they can smell from a great distance and have the ability to find the shortest way to reach it. They live in very numerous and well-organized colonies. There are several species:

-the red and black ant present in gardens and homes.

-the ant with wings and the particularly aggressive bulldog ant.


The processionary is a lepidopteran insect of the thaumatopeid family and is a dangerous parasite especially for pines and oaks although it can occasionally also affect larches, cedars, hazels, chestnuts, beeches and birches. The adult is a butterfly with 3-4 cm wide wings, gray in color with brown streaks. The female is larger than the male and their life does not last more than one to two days. In October they form a silky nest in which they spend the whole winter and resume activity in spring. The oak processionary moth makes its appearance in July. The eggs survive the winter to hatch between the end of April and the beginning of May. Once born, the larvae move on the branches and when they reach the fork of the branches they form a nest and at the beginning of July the larvae embed inside the nest.