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Rome Cleaning Company|| |117

Romana Service ⭐ Impresa di Pulizie Roma e sanificazione, specializzata per il Covid-19 a Roma e Milano. Richiedi un preventivo gratuito.

Request a Quote Our services
Residential Cleaning| ||146
Cleaning for Commercial Activities
Cleaning for Events
Pulizie Straordinarie
Ordinary Cleaning
Restoration after renovations

Who we are

La Romana Service presents itself today in the cleaning, disinfestation and gardening business as a dynamic, functional and sensitive company to evolutionary trends, capable of responding to all emerging requests, offering its customers an image of seriousness, security, confidentiality and a personalized resolution. Guaranteeing the quality of each service, a supervisor will manage the intervention requested by the customer with care and professionalism.

The constant training of our staff and the use of cutting-edge equipment allows us to operate with professionalism in every type of environment, whether hotels, restaurants, gyms, offices, shops, supermarkets, with ordinary and/or extraordinary services, civil and industrial, using a vast range of specific products and machinery for every type of surface and flooring, both in wood or fabric, safeguarding health and the environment.

Our services

Ordinary cleaning

Extraordinary Cleaning


Sanitations| ||282

Washing carpets and fabrics

Washing windows


Floor treatment

Cleaning company Rome

Getting organized to do some cleaning seems almost fun, until you try, and until you think about the professional treatments, carried out by a cleaning company Rome, that you need.

Who doesn't have you ever called or contacted a Rome cleaning company  to have certain virucidal sanitization and cleaning services carried out, it means that you live in an environment that certainly has problems viruses and bacteria.

Naturally there are many users who carry out cleaning, even on a daily basis, which is still useful for keeping environments clean, but these are never sanitized. Therefore it is normal to develop mold and also suffer problems from continuous dust falling onto existing surfaces.

Even a private individual may need intervention from a specialized cleaning company, even just to eliminate bad odors from the kitchen or even from other environments or to have a sanitization so as to limit the presence of elements that cause discomfort.

Many are not aware that respiratory problems, which can be chronic, such as asthma or even such as lung damage, and temporary ones, such as colds, can also be controlled with cleaning and sanitisation, i.e. virucidal treatments. They manage to limit the dust and irritating elements that contribute to damaging our immune system.

If you don't believe it, you can try it and have excellent results directly on your person, you could be among the users who discover that they can live very well at home with certain cleaning procedures.

Cleaning company Rome, urgent sanitization?

Doing a sanitization in record time, perhaps even requiring an emergency intervention, seems like an exaggeration? If we live in a working environment where it turns out that a customer or even a colleague has contracted the Corona Virus, then it is not such an "exaggeration".

In addition to the ongoing problem of dealing with the Corona Virus, we also see that sanitization, offered by a cleaning company Rome , or urgent sterilization, is also requested when we talk about flooding in the house, which returns due to a return of dirty water or even kitchen water, or following unclogging and draining, both at home and outside.

There are many reasons why a cleaning company Rome yes sees this type of request coming with great urgency.

Why should you face a virucidal cleaning intervention after there are floods in the house, which arrive and return from the hydraulic pipes? Well the reasons arise from the pathogenic microorganisms, with a high viral load, which are inside the pipes.

If we analyze and also discover what is hidden in our homes and in the pipes that we use continuously, we would also be afraid to sleep because there are so many bacteria and viruses ready to explode.

Once the waters flow back and cause these problems, it becomes necessary to carry out a highly virucidal cleaning , but where the Rome cleaning company  may be one of the few professionals capable of guaranteeing effective action.

They ensure that both the dirt that is there, limit any damage from limescale stains and then carry out total sanitization and sterilization.

Rome cleaning company with support for decontamination of closed environments.| ||407

Nella splendida capitale Italia, Roma città eterna, l’attenzione per il turismo, in questo momento che la situazione è abbastanza statica, è massima. Infatti è normale che un’ Rome cleaning company to be totally involved in a cleaning intervention which involves specific sanitisation, sanitisation treatments or even decontamination. from viruses.

Closed environments, even if you perhaps think that it is possible to eliminate the problems caused by the Corona Virus, in reality lead to the development of other problems such as bad smells, stale air, proliferation of bacteria and also a large quantity of fine dust that permeates the air.

Restaurants, bars, hotels and also many other places that are continually opening and closing, also due to lockdown localized, as well as for environments that work seasonally, are still forced to carry out virucidal treatments which are optimal both for the respect of the environment and the customer himself, as well as with regard to some specific parameters of the regulations currently in force vigor.

Since there are many commercial premises that are having various problems in understanding some specific requests, we note that the cleaning company Rome he may be one of the few professionals able to fully support the client with interventions that comply with the law.

Virus decontamination, which is requested on certain occasions, is carried out by a cleaning company Rome highly specialized in the treatment and elimination of microorganisms and pathogenic elements that can be contained within an environment.

Having both doors and with windows closed, you risk having air that is poor in oxygen, so it is normal for there to be a large proliferation of various elements that are pests, such as mold or even bacteria that tend to attack our organism. We realize that something is wrong, in the sense that there is a large presence of these pathogenic elements, simply due to the strong acrid and pungent odor, but also due to immediate irritation of the nose which therefore leads to sneezing and also to having various irritations.

In rooms used for hotel or restaurant use, it is important to ensure an environment that is sanitized, where there is a total elimination of bad smells, but also of any stains or colonies of microorganisms that are on the walls.

Obviously virus decontamination is not an intervention that is carried out only using a broom and dustpan. A serious cleaning company in Rome uses various devices and also offers a series of services that are aimed at the environments in which they operate.

You can have an ozone decontamination, a cryogenic or dry fog intervention, perhaps it is sufficient to carry out a high temperature intervention or even a hydrogen peroxide cleaning. In short, all interventions that have a single objective which is to guarantee the virucidal action which then also combines the elimination of bad odors and a large quantity of new oxygen inside. Only to have the guarantee that everything has been carried out in accordance with the law and where there are truly tangible benefits, it is always better to turn to a cleaning company Rome.

Once the virus decontamination work is finished, you therefore have a certification, issued by the person who carried out the work, in this case a cleaning company Rome, which guarantees that work has been carried out and products with a high virucidal action have been used, in order to have the total elimination and sanitization of the environments.

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Rome Cleaning Company for virucidal treatments outside restaurant premises.

Restaurants, as well as bars, snack bars, pizzerias or simply pastry shops, are often taking advantage of their outdoor areas which therefore allow them to have a space to place tables, chairs, benches or even to temporarily host their customers.|| |595

Queste aree hanno permesso a moltissimi locali di non perdere molto del loro guadagno nel corso dei continui lockdown che si sono susseguiti in questi mesi, ma ciò non toglie che essi sono poi classificati come luoghi di assembramento e come tali devono essere sottoposti a determinate pulizie o sanificazioni.

How can external areas be cleaned? Well here comes a rather long discussion which must also be understood by those who own these sectors because otherwise they are continually subjected to a risk which expressly concerns sanctions which derive directly from the total lack of distancing and cleaning from bacteria.

Come si possono fare delle sanificazioni e pulizie in esterno? Bella domanda perché si pensa sempre a dei prodotti che sono poi altamente sterilizzanti, ma che di solito riguardano poi l’utilizzo di elementi che sono liquidi.

In reality there is another type of intervention that is totally zero pollution, economical, but with a very high virucidal action, i.e. the ozone-based sanitization intervention. This substance allows for an immediate extermination of viruses and all pathogenic microorganisms, then there is a slow release of its action. In fact, it will be able to release its benefits for hours and hours as it also triggers a chain reaction to increase oxygen and consequently also its virucidal action.

The cleaning company Rome will be able to operate with nebulization devices which actually slow release ozone, but which can be directed so as to attack directly existing surfaces.

Ozone is already found in nature and therefore is not polluting. It is oxygen fused together, so it also helps to have better air and outside it is what is most appreciated for its qualities. we remind you that in any case you must contact a Rome cleaning company for this type of ozone-based intervention since it also becomes necessary to evaluate the square footage and surfaces that are there .

If you also want to have a slow release of other sterilizing and sanitizing elements, the Rome cleaning company can always opt for a choice of other elements which are also "compact", but which help to have a cleaning service that lasts for days.

Once these works are carried out in the external areas there is full compliance with the law and also greater protection with regards to customers or users who stay in the areas of our responsibility.

Evictions and new entries, what to do before taking possession?

Move, carry out evictions or however, emptying the rooms, but also taking possession of a new apartment or house, is not an intervention that we do simply by bringing or removing everything that is present.

You make a mistake when you enter a house, with all the furnishings, without having first carried out cleaning and sanitization work. The dust contained inside them will permeate the air again and this therefore leads to dirtying our household furnishings and goods.

So we must proceed step by step. By calling a cleaning company in Rome you will certainly be able to carry out a cleaning and sanitation in order to have environments that they are already welcoming and very safe. It is ventilated in such a way as to guarantee good circulation of oxygen, also to eliminate any bad odors present, but through cleaning it also ensures a possible reduction in the number of spores that are inside.

In reality it would It is advisable for the Rome cleaning company  to also carry out a sanitization on the furnishings or household goods that we have brought inside.

Once the situation will be totally under control and highly clean, then you can proceed with the occupation of the environment.

Rome cleaning company, specific information for deductions.

The cleaning company Rome  is always present when you need to carry out specific interventions, perhaps required by law and which directly affect commercial premises, but are also very useful for private individuals.

They are currently available new incentives for commercial premises, offices and other working environments which still have a VAT number and which therefore operate in environments to carry out their work, which halve some expenses.

Since safety on the work is and remains a priority, we must also think about those diseases that are contracted while at work, among these we note the Corona Virus. Sanitization and other virucidal treatments must therefore always be carried out in order to prevent contagion for all those who are within the work environment or for any customers who sporadically go to these environments.

Si deve dunque richiedere una pulizia ad alta azione virucida ad una ditta di pulizie specializzata che rispetterà le richieste e i parametri decisi dal Ministero della Salute, in modo da rilasciare la dovuta documentazione di certificazione. A questo punto è possibile fare o richiedere una detrazione del 50% sulla spesa che è stata sostenuta per avere questo miglioramento di sicurezza sul lavoro.